
Drrum's Rarest and Most Hard-Earned Mounts

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The Razzashi Raptor eluded me and my friend Chris for years. He finally dropped in Zul'Gurub in August 2010 after countless hunting trips.
Baron's Deathcharger was an extremely difficult mount to obtain. I defeated the Baron nearly 150 times before the reins dropped. I have not returned to Stratholme. The Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher was a reward for the Glory of the Icecrown Raider achievement, earned with my friend Chris's team of experienced raiders.
The Violet Proto-Drake took a year to obtain. I had to participate in every world event and earn every achievement in What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been. My Sea Turtle is such a rare and elusive creature, it took ages to find. I fished him up off the western coast of Grizzly Hills. I use him to travel quickly in water. My Winterspring Frostsaber was added to my collection after a long, mind-numbing reputation grind with the Wintersaber Trainers.


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